Library TeachMeet - Librarians sharing teaching ideas with librarians
What is TeachMeet?
TeachMeets are informal gatherings of (originally) teachers, designed to allow the sharing of ideas. Find out more in this post about the history of TeachMeet.
What about Library TeachMeets?
Back in July 2010 Isla Kuhn blogged about TeachMeet, and suggested that this model might work for librarians too. A number of other Cambridge librarians loved the idea, so the idea of a Cambridge Librarian TeachMeet was born. The team at camlibtm have written and blogged about their experiences, so follow the links to find out more. Since then there have been many more library teachmeets!
How do I set up a LibTeachMeet?
- The tips page will provide detailed guidance on setting up a LibTeachMeet.
- Find a colleague to help - you can go it alone but it's easier if you have a team!
- Find a venue & consider how if you will provide refreshments
- Promote your event! Add it to the list below, get as creative as you like with your logo and design.
- Add it to the Library TeachMeet Google Calendar
- Use a booking tool such as Eventbrite to manage bookings, or simply create a page on this week for your event and ask attendees to sign up.
- After your event, share any resources & videos here and add any tips you have for running teachmeets to our Tips page.
Tips for running Library TeachMeets - help others learn from your experiences!
Past Library TeachMeets - Share your resources here.
Please post your upcoming LibTeachMeets below in chronological order.
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