  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.

  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!



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Saved by Helen Blanchett
on January 22, 2014 at 3:47:39 pm




What's a TeachMeet?

TeachMeets are informal gatherings of (originally) teachers, designed to allow the sharing of ideas. Find out more in this post about the history of TeachMeet. Library TeachMeets are for librarians who teach!


Find out more about the history of Library TeachMeets in the article "TeachMeet: Librarians learning from each other" by Niamh Tumelty, Isla Kuhn and Katie Birkwood.




Tips for running Library TeachMeets


Past Library TeachMeets - share your resources here.



Please post your upcoming LibTeachMeets below in chronological order:


Library Teachmeet Manchester Metropolitan University

Wednesday 22nd January 2014

This is a free event, sponsored by the CILIP Information Literacy Group, exploring anything and everything surrounding information and digital literacy. Examples could include inspiring session content, unique outreach and promotion, thrilling use of e-technologies or, how-on-earth you got embedded into courses – absolutely anything so long as it’s theme-related. 


There’ll be a thrilling Swapshop during the afternoon, giving everybody (including those of you not speaking!) the chance to swap any materials you use during IL sessions – hand-outs, slides, games, blank cheques for good feedback etc. Please bring about 10 copies/items to swap with your fellow delegates!


Tea and tasty biscuits are available from 12.30pm, for a 1pm start, and 4pm end, followed by networking at a nearby café-bar, for those of you who don’t need to dash off. Refreshments will be available throughout the event.


In a nutshell:


What: Library Teachmeet Manchester Metropolitan University. 

Where: New Business School 5.04, Manchester Metropolitan University, All Saints Campus, Oxford Road, Manchester, M15 6BH

When: 1pm – 4pm, following by (optional) after-school networking, on Wednesday 22nd January 2014. Tea and biscuits from 12.30pm.

Cost: FREE

Host: Manchester Metropolitan University

Hashtag: #mmultm

Contact: n.ward@mmu.ac.uk & d.jenkins@mmu.ac.uk





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