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on February 5, 2015 at 3:54:09 pm


LibTeachMeet - Librarians sharing teaching ideas 



What's a TeachMeet?


TeachMeets are informal gatherings of (originally) teachers, designed to allow the sharing of ideas. Library TeachMeets are for librarians who teach! Find out more about the history of Library TeachMeets in the article "TeachMeet: Librarians learning from each other" by Niamh Tumelty, Isla Kuhn and Katie Birkwood.




Upcoming Library TeachMeets:


Please post upcoming LibTeachMeets below in chronological order below - this is a free wiki so you will need to request to join:


                                                                                     Resource Discovery: Enhancing the User Experience...                    Go to Staffordshire University home page                                        


Staffordshire University's next Teachmeet has been confirmed with the following title and details:


Resource Discovery: Enhancing the User Experience - Sponsored by the CILIP Information Literacy Group

19th March 2015

10.30am – 2pm


FREE Lunch and refreshments


If you’d like to see more details of the event, or sign up to speak / enthuse, please go to this link:






Oops something has gone wrong. There appear to be no upcoming Library Teachmeets.


To solve this problem, click on the link above on Tips for running Library TeachMeets and set one up...





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