Please add links to any resources from Library TeachMeets below (reverse chronological order):
Staffordshire University Library Teachmeet "Digital Literacy"
A library teachmeet with the theme "Digital Literacy" Sponsored by the CILIP Information Literacy Group
Tuesday, 25 November 2014 from 1:15pm to 4pm Free Lunch and refreshments
Alfred Bolton Room, Thompson Library, Staffordshire University
College Road
United Kingdom
A free event with the aim to share how to incorporate Digital Literacy into teaching and Learning. Examples could include: staff development and promotion, incorporating DL ideas into the curriculum, highlighting DL as a Graduate Attribute etc etc. Anyone can share great ideas they've used in their library, ask important questions or simply sign up to take part in learning conversations.
We hope speakers will report on a range of activities to support and assess learners towards digital fluency and investigate what makes a digitally fluent learner.
Attendees are invited to have the floor for 10 minutes to present (via powerpoint / prezi / talk / bingo / drawing / anything) to colleagues some creative and inspiring suggestions and enthusiastic non-presenting audience members are also welcome.
Full details and booking information can be found on the Eventbrite page:
Learning and Information Services at the University of Wolverhampton would like to invite presenters and audience members to a free event based around the theme of Information literacy skills and the new student. Sponsored by the CILIP Information Literacy group this is an opportunity to exchange innovation and good practice across sectors in a friendly and informal environment.
What is our theme?
Our theme is Information literacy skills and the new student. We hope to discuss what makes up innovative information literacy and skills practice and the new student, explore how best to measure its impact and what tools/techniques are out there for its promotion. This Teachmeet is aimed at information professionals interested in bridging the transitional gap between Further and Higher education and all are welcome.
How does it work?
You can choose a 10 or 5 minute slot to present (in whatever manner you choose) to colleagues on the themes of the day or attend as an audience member ready to join the discussion. Please go to our Eventbrite page to book a place.
The Teachmeet will take place on Thursday 10th of July 1-4pm. Registration will take place from 12.30-1pm. Refreshments will be available throughout the afternoon. Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements.
Harrison Learning Centre, MD building, University of Wolverhampton, Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 1LY. We’re only a short walk from both Wolverhampton train and bus stations. A map can be found here; Parking details (public, disabled or staff) can be found on our interactive campus map.
For more information please contact us at;
Employability and Graduate Skills
The University of Hertfordshire , Wednesday 25th June 2014. Law Court Building
We are hoping to focus on presentations which cover how information literacy skills can be taught as part of a wider graduate attribute skills package, specifically to enhance the employability prospects of the students.
You can follow us on Twitter at
Thursday 12th June 13.30-17.00, King's College London
Hosted by the Health Information Specialist team of King's College London Library
The theme this year is: Enhancing the student experience through interactivity and engagement
Presentations can be found on the London LibTeachMeet blog.
Subscribe to their blog here Or follow us on Twitter (hashtag #ldnlibtm)
Seeing the Bigger Picture:
Information Literacy skills for Art and Design
Date: Tuesday 10th June 2014
Time: 14.00 to 16.30 (Registration from 13.30)
Venue: Learning Development Zone, Kimberlin Library, De Montfort University, Leicester
We would like to invite presenters and enthusiastic audience members who have a particular interest in information literacy skills for Art and Design students to take part in a free Teachmeet event to explore some of the issues and ways of approaching teaching to this group of students.
The event will be hosted by the Art and Design team from Academic Liaison, Directorate of Library and Learning Services, De Montfort University, Leicester, and will be held in the Learning Development Zone of the Kimberlin Library. Tea and coffee will be provided.
This teachmeet is aimed at information professionals working with students in creative disciplines, including Art, Design, Fashion, Textiles, Architecture and the Performing Arts. We would like participants to share innovative ideas and examples of good practice in teaching information literacy skills to these students. This will be an informal, friendly, interactive event combining short presentations, poster displays and individual and group activities.
If you would like to attend you can choose to be either a micro presenter, a nano presenter or an audience member ready to join the discussions. Micro presenters will be given five minutes to present their topic, followed by five minutes for questions from the audience. Nano presenters will bring a poster on their topic and give a two minute presentation followed by two minutes for questions from the audience. Enthusiastic audience members will join the discussions and engage with the presentations and activities.
This event is free, but places must be booked in advance through EventBrite at If you would like to present could you please email us with details of your theme, idea or example of good practice so that we can prepare a schedule for the day.
To advise us of your presentation content or if you require any further information please contact Carol Keddie, Senior Assistant Librarian for Art and Design or Sharon Laverick, Subject Librarian for Art and Design
If you are interested in information literacy, or are involved in library teaching, we would love to see you. Aberystwyth is, we think, a brilliant place for an information professional get-together. All are welcome to present for 5 minutes, or be in the enthusiastic audience. This event is sponsored by the CILIP Information Literacy Group.
Just let us know if you’d like to join (email: – and don’t worry, if you’re not sure of your topic now we can call it a ‘mystery talk’ and keep everyone guessing!
More information is available on the blog: Resources to be uploaded soon!
"Getting the message across" Library Teachmeet @ Staffordshire University
Tuesday, 18 March 2014 from 11:00 to 14:00 (GMT)
Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom
All of the presentations, photos and event details are available on our libguide here:
Contact: Eleanor Johnston, Staffordshire University
Sheffield Library TeachMeet
Sheffield Hallam University
Monday 3rd March 2014, 2-4.30pm.
A chance for librarians from the region to meet up, share their experiences of teaching information skills and help each other out.
Please bring along a success you would like to share, a resource to talk about, or an issue or problem you have encountered in your teaching with which you would like help.
Please go to our Eventbrite page to book a place.
The event is organised CILIP Academic and Research Libraries Group Yorkshire and Humberside division, who provide a regional focus and programme of events for members working within the sector. #ARLGYH
The teachmeet will be preceded by the ARLG: Yorkshire & Humbershire committee AGM 1.15-1.45pm.
Contact: Jennifer Rowland
Library Teachmeet Manchester Metropolitan University
Wednesday 22nd January 2014
Where: New Business School 5.04, Manchester Metropolitan University, All Saints Campus, Oxford Road, Manchester, M15 6BH
When: 1pm – 4pm
Host: Manchester Metropolitan University
Hashtag: #mmultm
Contact: &
Report from the Manchester Library TeachMeet on the Information Literacy web site blog.
London LibTeachMeet 2013
Date: 21 November 2013 2-5pm
Location: Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ
LondonTM web blog:
Storify by @Doombrarian:
Library Teachmeet Staffordshire University
Spreading the library love!
Creating the difference – how you improved the student experience - a library teachmeet
Wednesday, 20 November 2013 from 11:00 to 14:00
Alfred Bolton Room, Thompson Library, Staffordshire University, College Road, Stoke-on-Trent
Eleanor Johnston's write-up on the Information Literacy blog:
28th October 2013, 4-7pm at the
Robinson Library, Newcastle University
Write-up on the ARLG North-East blog:
CLIC Summer TeachMeet
Cardiff Libraries in Co-operation
11th July 2013
Report from the Information Literacy web site.
University of Stirling, 20th July 2011
The Scotlibtm blog.
Oxford Library TeachMeet
12th July 2011
A report from Kangarooth's blog.
Brighton Library TeachMeet
20th March 2012 & 25 May 2011
Presentations, write-ups and further information available from:
Liverpool Library TeachMeet
26th May 2011
University of Liverpool Library
All presentations are available from the blog:
Write-up from Rachel Smith
Write-up from Elaine Andrew
Huddersfield Librarian TeachMeet
Feb 2011
Presentations, activities and feedback from the day are all available on the blog:
Cambridge TeachMeet Sept 27 2010
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